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81229400272 81 22 9 400 272 9400272

81229400272V2 81229400272 81 22 9 400 272 9400272  0 81229400272V2 81229400272 81 22 9 400 272 9400272  0

All models (see your car manual or on the sticker on the transmission if the oil fits your BMW, or ask our sales staff please keep the last 7 signs of the chassinumber ready for us).



重量: 0.89 KG

Package Dimensions (LxHxW): 13x25x7 cm

每台车使用: Amount unknown

See your car manual or on the sticker on the transmission if the oil fits your BMW, or ask our sales staff please keep the last 7 signs of the chassinumber ready for us!

Let one of our BMW specialized workshops do the mounting, we got the know how and low prices




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