预定后 6工作日到货.中心库有货. 数量: 0.00 pcs.
製造商產品編號: 0 280 751 013
Condition of the item: New
E70N SAV X5 M50dX -07/2013 E71 SAC X6 M50dX -07/2013 E84 SAV X1 20d ed X1 20d N47N X1 20dX N47N X1 25dX E90N Sedan 320d ed 320d N47N 320xd N47N E91N Touring 320d ed 320d N47N 320xd N47N E92N Coupé 320d 320xd E93N Convertible 320d F01N Sedan 730d -07/2013 730dX -07/2013 740d -07/2013 740dX -07/2013 750dX -07/2013 F02N Sedan 730Ld -07/2013 740LdX 750LdX -07/2013 F06 Gran Coupé 640d -07/2013 640dX -07/2013 F06N Gran Coupé 640d 640dX F07 Gran Turismo 520d 530d N57N -07/2013 530dX N57N -07/2013 535d N57Z -07/2013 535dX N57Z -07/2013 F07N Gran Turismo 520d 530d -07/2013 530dX -07/2013 535d -07/2013 535dX -07/2013 F10 Sedan 520d 525d N47S1 525dX 530d N57N -07/2013 530dX -07/2013 535d N57Z -07/2013 535dX -07/2013 M550dX -07/2013 F10N Sedan 518d B47 -07/2013 518d N47N 520d B47 -07/2013 520d N47N 520dX B47 -07/2013 520dX N47N 525d 525dX 530d -07/2013 530dX -07/2013 535d -07/2013 535dX -07/2013 M550dX -07/2013 F11 Touring 520d 525d N47S1 525dX 530d N57N -07/2013 530dX -07/2013 535d N57Z -07/2013 535dX -07/2013 M550dX -07/2013 F11N Touring 518d B47 -07/2013 518d N47N 520d B47 -07/2013 520d N47N 520dX B47 -07/2013 520dX N47N 525d 525dX 530d -07/2013 530dX -07/2013 535d -07/2013 535dX -07/2013 M550dX -07/2013 F12 Convertible 640d -07/2013 640dX -07/2013 F12N Convertible 640d 640dX F13 Coupé 640d -07/2013 640dX -07/2013 F13N Coupé 640d 640dX F15 SAV X5 25d X5 25d B47 X5 25d N47S1 X5 25dX -07/2013 X5 25dX B47 X5 25dX N47S1 X5 30dX -07/2013 X5 35dX -07/2013 X5 40dX -07/2013 X5 M50dX -07/2013 F16 SAC X6 30dX -07/2013 X6 40dX -07/2013 X6 M50dX -07/2013 F20 5 doors 120d 120dX 125d F20N 5 doors 114d B37 116d 118d -07/2013 118dX -07/2013 120d -07/2013 120dX -07/2013 125d -07/2013 F21 3 doors 120d 120dX 125d F21N 3 doors 114d B37 116d 118d -07/2013 118dX -07/2013 120d -07/2013 120dX -07/2013 125d -07/2013 F22 Coupé 218d B47 -07/2013 218d N47N -07/2013 220d B47 -07/2013 220d N47N 220dX -07/2013 225d B47 -07/2013 225d N47S1 F22N Coupé 218d -07/2013 220d -07/2013 220dX -07/2013 225d -07/2013 F23 Convertible 218d -07/2013 220d -07/2013 225d -07/2013 F23N Convertible 218d -07/2013 220d -07/2013 225d -07/2013 F25 SAV X3 18d B47 X3 18d N47N X3 20dX B47 X3 20dX N47N X3 28dX X3 30dX -07/2013 X3 35dX -07/2013 F26 SAC X4 20dX X4 30dX X4 35dX F30 Sedan 316d B47 -07/2013 318d -07/2013 320d 320dX 325d 328d 328dX 330d -07/2013 330dX -07/2013 335dX -07/2013 F30N Sedan 316d -07/2013 318d -07/2013 318dX -07/2013 320d -07/2013 320d B47 -07/2013 320d ed -07/2013 320d N47N 320dX -07/2013 325d B47 -07/2013 325d N47S1 328d 328dX 330d 330dX 335dX F31 Touring 316d B47 -07/2013 318d -07/2013 320d 320dX 325d 328dX 330d -07/2013 330dX -07/2013 335dX -07/2013 F31N Touring 316d -07/2013 318d -07/2013 318dX -07/2013 320d B47 -07/2013 320d ed -07/2013 320d N47N 320dX -07/2013 325d B47 -07/2013 325d N47S1 328dX 330d 330dX 335dX F32 Coupé 418d -07/2013 420d B47 -07/2013 420d N47N 420dX B47 -07/2013 420dX N47N 425d B47 -07/2013 425d N47S1 430d 430dX 435dX -07/2013 F32N Coupé 418d -07/2013 420d -07/2013 420dX -07/2013 425d -07/2013 430d 430dX 435dX F33 Convertible 420d B47 -07/2013 420d N47N 425d B47 -07/2013 425d N47S1 430d 435dX -07/2013 F33N Convertible 420d -07/2013 425d -07/2013 430d 435dX F34 Gran Turismo 318d B47 -07/2013 318d N47N -07/2013 320d B47 -07/2013 320d N47N 320dX B47 -07/2013 320dX N47N 325d 330d 330dX 335dX F34N Gran Turismo 318d -07/2013 320d -07/2013 320dX -07/2013 325d -07/2013 330d 330dX 335dX F36 Gran Coupé 418d B47 -07/2013 418d N47N -07/2013 420d B47 -07/2013 420d N47N 420dX B47 -07/2013 420dX N47N 425d -07/2013 430d 430dX 435dX F36N Gran Coupé 418d -07/2013 420d -07/2013 420dX -07/2013 425d -07/2013 430d 430dX 435dX F39 SAC X2 16d X2 18d B47 X2 18d B47B X2 18dX B47 X2 18dX B47B X2 20d B47 X2 20d B47D X2 20dX B47 X2 20dX B47D X2 25dX B47 X2 25dX B47E F40 5 doors 116d 118d 120dX F44 Gran Coupé 220d F45 Active Tourer 214d 216d 218d 218dX 220d 220dX F45N Active Tourer 216d 218d 218dX 220d 220dX F46 Gran Tourer 214d 216d 218d 218dX 220d 220dX F46N Gran Tourer 216d 218d 218dX 220d 220dX F48 SAV X1 16d B37 X1 16d B37B X1 18d X1 18d B47 X1 18d B47B X1 18dX X1 18dX B47 X1 18dX B47B X1 20d X1 20d B47 X1 20d B47D X1 20dX X1 20dX B47 X1 20dX B47D X1 25dX F48N SAV X1 16d X1 18d B47 X1 18d B47B X1 18dX X1 18dX B47 X1 18dX B47B X1 20d X1 20d B47 X1 20d B47D X1 20dX B47 X1 20dX B47D X1 25dX F54 Clubman Cooper D B47 Cooper D B47B Cooper SD ALL4 B47 Cooper SD ALL4 B47D Cooper SD B47 Cooper SD B47D One D B37 One D B37B F54N Clubman Cooper D Cooper SD Cooper SD ALL4 One D F55 5 doors Cooper D B37 Cooper D B37B Cooper SD B47 Cooper SD B47D One D B37 One D B37A F56 3 doors Cooper D B37 Cooper D B37B Cooper SD B47 Cooper SD B47D One D B37 One D B37A F57 Convertible Cooper D B37 Cooper D B37B Cooper SD B47 Cooper SD B47D F60 Countryman Cooper D ALL4 B47 Cooper D ALL4 B47B Cooper D B47 Cooper D B47B Cooper SD Cooper SD ALL4 B47 Cooper SD ALL4 B47D Cooper SD B47 Cooper SD B47D One D B37 One D B37B G01 SAV X3 18d X3 18d (TX11) X3 18d (TX12) X3 18d (TX15) X3 18d (TX16) X3 20dX -07/2013 X3 20dX (TX31) -07/2013 X3 20dX (TX32) -07/2013 X3 20dX (TX35) X3 20dX (TX36) X3 20dX B47 -07/2013 X3 20dX B47D X3 25dX (TX51) X3 25dX (TX55) G02 SAC X4 20dX X4 20dX B47 X4 20dX B47D X4 25dX G05 SAV X5 25dX G11 Sedan 725d -07/2013 G12 Sedan 725Ld -07/2013 G20 Sedan 318d 320d 320dX G21 Touring 318d 320d 320dX G30 Sedan 518d 520d -07/2013 520d B47 -07/2013 520d B47D 520d ed -07/2013 520d XD5 520dX -07/2013 520dX B47 -07/2013 520dX B47D 520dX XD5 525d -07/2013 G31 Touring 518d 520d B47 -07/2013 520d B47D 520d XD5 520dX B47 -07/2013 520dX B47D 520dX XD5 525d -07/2013 G32 Gran Turismo 620d 620dX R60 Countryman Cooper D 1.6 Cooper D 2.0 Cooper D ALL4 1.6 Cooper D ALL4 2.0 Cooper SD Cooper SD ALL4 One D R61 Paceman Cooper D 1.6 Cooper D 2.0 Cooper D ALL4 1.6 Cooper D ALL4 2.0 Cooper SD Cooper SD ALL4
归类时间 3-4小时.
重量: 0.28 KG
Package Dimensions (LxHxW): 20x14x8 cm
每台车使用: 1 pcs.
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