归类时间 0,5小时.
重量: 1.50 KG
Package Dimensions (LxHxW): 40x40x40 cm
每台车使用: 1 pcs.
The item pictures is the actual item. Which means when the item is sold the picture will be deleted. We reserve the right that the goods may be sold out in the event of two clients purchase simultaneously. If you are in doubt about which parts will fit your BMW, don´t hesitate to contact us. please have the last 7 signs in your chassis number ready for our staff! (Please note: Dangerous goods – special freight requirements/price)
Old product numbers
62-10-9-110-197 62109110197 62 10 9 110 197 62-10-9-122-594 62109122594 62 10 9 122 594 62-10-9-141-479 62109141479 62 10 9 141 479 62-10-9-143-816 62109143816 62 10 9 143 816 62-10-9-166-827 62109166827 62 10 9 166 827 62-10-9-187-052 62109187052 62 10 9 187 052 62-10-9-187-336 62109187336 62 10 9 187 336 62-10-9-220-955 62109220955 62 10 9 220 955 62-10-9-242-338 62109242338 62 10 9 242 338 62-10-9-283-807 62109283807 62 10 9 283 807 62-10-6-983-479 62106983479 62 10 6 983 479 62-10-6-965-770 62106965770 62 10 6 965 770 62-10-6-974-651 62106974651 62 10 6 974 651