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宝马 X6 (E72 Hyb)
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宝马 X6 (E72 Hyb)

宝马 X6 (E72 Hyb) Power steering/transmission/final drive oil original BMW

Differential oil OSP synthetic 75W-90, 1,0 liter can

14.28 USD 不含增值税
Differential oil OSP synthetic 75W-90, 1,0 liter can

适合的配件号  83222365987SW

Expected delivery 0 working days
该配件为正厂出品 Condition of the item: New
(see your car manual or on the sticker on the transmission if the oil fits your BMW, or ask our sales staff please keep the last 7 signs of the chassis number ready for us). SAC All SAC models

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